Brother or sister,
How are you today?
At Media to Movements, we always talk about, “Begin with the end in mind.” Yet each one of us is coming to this course motivated by our various circumstances we are facing right in this moment.
Let’s reflect on that.
Even in the midst of war, drought, or isolation we MUST cling to faith and persevere because we know how the story ends, we know WHO is victorious and that what HE promises is absolutely guaranteed.
Yet while we patiently wait for His return, we wrestle with the mystery of His sovereign plan and our obedience as the Church. We navigate the turmoil nature of operating as a singular Body yet with many competing parts. We may often feel like Moses, ill-equipped for the task. We deeply resonate with Paul’s concern about laboring in vain, wondering if our efforts will result in the fruit we desperately long to taste. We busy ourselves with ministry tasks, often trapped in commitments that if candidly evaluated would reveal we have drifted away from our vision. We look upon the white harvest, crying out for more help. We have filled our tool belts with so many tools, yet still wondering if the next tool will be effective.
What do you find your heart long-suffering for today?